The employees of clinic Dr. Elian Brenninkmeijer do their utmost to offer you good care and help. Nevertheless, it can happen that you are not completely satisfied with a treatment afterwards. We attach great importance to your comment or complaint. First of all, because we think it is important that you are completely satisfied. In addition, this offers us the opportunity to improve our care provision.
Where can you go with your complaint or comment?
If you are not completely satisfied with a treatment, it is advisable not to continue walking around with it . Many complaints are based on miscommunication or on a different expectation pattern. We appreciate it in such a situation if you contact the person who treated you so that he or she has the opportunity to remove your dissatisfaction. Experience shows that a large part of the complaints can be remedied in this way.
Submit a complaint or comment to the complaints officer.
If you and your healthcare provider cannot find a solution, you have the option of submitting your clientele to the complaints officer. Your healthcare provider is affiliated with the Disputes Committee for Healthcare General and uses the independent Healthcare Complaints Desk. You can contact the Healthcare Complaints Desk free of charge for information and advice regarding your questions and/or complaints.
Quality policy
Within clinic Dr. Elian Brenninkmeijer we continuously monitor and improve the quality of all processes. Our treatment room is of high quality and equipped with modern equipment. In addition, we constantly maintain and improve the quality of our information, treatment and aftercare. We find it of great importance that you as a client have reliable information, are well informed and that all decision-making takes place in consultation with you.
Within our clinic, we find it important that all employees continue to develop. By following training programs, lectures, workshops and courses, we take cosmetic treatments to an even higher level. Elian Brenninkmeijer is also co-founder and chairman of the DutchAssociation for Cosmetic Dermatology and is committed to improving the quality of cosmetic dermatology in the Netherlands.
Deductible and reimbursements
Cosmetic treatments are not reimbursed by the health insurer. Everything that is treated in our practice is therefore carried out outside the insurance.
Are you being treated within general dermatology? Then you need a doctor’s referral. We carry out these treatments in Medical Center East, among others.